1. Wei, Y., Sun, Z., Duan, M., Ma, Q., Xu, H., & Liang, M. (2022). Responses to graded levels of leucine and branched-chain amino acid imbalance in tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. Aquaculture, 548, 737699.
2. Cui, X., Ma, Q., Duan, M., Xu, H., Liang, M., & Wei, Y. (2022). Effects of fishmeal replacement by Clostridium autoethanogenum protein on the growth, digestibility, serum free amino acid and gene expression related to protein metabolism of obscure pufferfish (Takifugu obscurus). Animal Feed Science and Technology, 292, 115445. (通訊作者)
3. Wei, Y., Wang, J., Zhang, X., Duan, M., Jia, L., Xu, H., Liang, M., Liu, J. 2021. Fish protein hydrolysate supplementation in plant protein based diets for tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes) is an effective strategy of fish meal sparing. Aquaculture Reports, 20, 100720.
4. Wei, Y., Li, B., Xu, H., Liang, M., 2021. Liver metabolome and proteome response of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) to lysine and leucine in free and dipeptide forms. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:691404.
5. Wei, Y., Li, B., Xu, H., & Liang, M. (2020). Effects of lysine and leucine in free and different dipeptide forms on the growth, amino acid profile and transcription of intestinal peptide, and amino acid transporters in turbot. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 46, 1795–1807.
6. Wei, Y., Li, B., Xu, H., & Liang, M. (2020). Fish protein hydrolysate in diets of turbot affects muscle fibre morphometry, and the expression of muscle growth-related genes. Aquaculture Nutrition, 26, 1780–1791.
7. Wei, Y., Zhang, Q., Xu, H., & Liang, M. (2020). Taurine requirement and metabolism response of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes to graded taurine supplementation. Aquaculture, 524, 735237.
8. Wei, Y., Liang, M., Xu, H., & Zheng, K. (2019). Taurine alone or in combination with fish protein hydrolysate affects growth performance, taurine transport and metabolism in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Aquaculture nutrition, 25, 396-405.