研究領域為海洋藻類與全球氣候變化。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目(2 項)、青年基金、國家重點研發計劃項目子課題、山東省重點研發計劃等課題10余項。相關研究發表 SCI 論文 94 篇,他引 1676 次。以第 1 或共同第 1 作者在 The ISME Journal(2 篇; Xu et al. 2021, 2023),Global Change Biology(2 篇; Xu et al. 2017, 2019)、Environmental Science & Technology(2 篇; Xu et al. 2014, 2015) 等知名期刊發表 SCI 論文 23 篇,其中包括 JCR 一區論文 12 篇。獲中國水產科學研究院2021年度科學技術一等獎(2/19)、國家海洋局2016年度海洋科學技術二等獎(6/10)等科技成果獎勵。入選泰山學者青年專家和中國水產科學研究院“百名科技英才”等人才計劃;是國家萬人計劃科技創新領軍人才、科技部中青年科技創新領軍人才等人才團隊的核心成員。
1. Dong Xu, Charlotte-Elisa Schaum, Bin Li, Yanan Chen, Shanying Tong, Fei-Xue Fu, David A. Hutchins, Xiaowen Zhang, Xiao Fan, Wentao Han, Yitao Wang, Naihao Ye*. Acclimation and adaptation to elevated pCO2 increase arsenic resilience in marine diatoms. ISME JOURNAL, 2021, 15:1599–1613.
2. Dong Xu, Guanchao Zheng, Georgina Brennan, Zhuonan Wang, Tao Jiang, Ke Sun, Xiao Fan, Chris Bowler, Xiaowen Zhang, Yan Zhang, Wei Wang, Yitao Wang, Yan Li, Haiyan Wu, Youxun Li, Fei-Xue Fu, David A. Hutchins*, Zhijun Tan* and Naihao Ye*. Plastic responses lead to increased neurotoxin production in the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia under ocean warming and acidification. ISME JOURNAL, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-023-01370-8.
3. Dong Xu, Georgina Brennan, Le Xu, Xiaowen Zhang, Fan Xiao, Wentao Han, Thomas Mock, Andrew McMinn, David A. Hutchins, Naihao Ye*. Ocean acidification increases iodine accumulation in kelp‐based coastal food webs. Global Change Biology, 2019, 25(2):629-639.
4. Dong Xu, C.-Elisa Schaum, Fan Lin, Ke Sun, James R. Munroe, Xiaowen Zhang, Xiao Fan, Linhong Teng, Yitao Wang, Zhimeng Zhuang, Naihao Ye*. Acclimation of bloom‐forming and perennial seaweeds to elevated pCO2 conserved across levels of environmental complexity. Global Change Biology, 2017, 23(11):4828-4839.
5. Dong Xu, Shanying Tong, Bingkun Wang, Xiansheng Zhang, Wei Wang, Xiaowen Zhang, Xiao Fan, Yitao Wang, Ke Sun, Naihao Ye*. Ocean acidification stimulation of phytoplankton growth depends on the extent of departure from the optimal growth temperature. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 177:113510.
6. Dong Xu?, Shujie Huang?, Xiao Fan, Xiaowen Zhang, Yitao Wang, Wei Wang, John Beardall, Georgina Brennan* and Naihao Ye*. Elevated CO2 reduces copper accumulation and toxicity in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 13:1113388.
7. Dong Xu, Dongsheng Wang, Bin Li, Xiao Fan, Xiao W. Zhang, Naihao Ye* Yitao Wang, Shanli Mou, and Zhimeng Zhuang. Effects of CO2 and Seawater Acidification on the Early Stages of Saccharina japonica Development. Environmental science & technology, 2015, 49(6): 3548-3556.
8. Dong Xu, Yitao Wang, Xiao Fan, Dongsheng Wang, Naihao Ye*, Xiaowen Zhang, Shanli Mou, Zheng Guan and Zhimeng Zhuang. Long-term experiment on physiological responses to synergetic effects of ocean acidification and photoperiod in Antarctic sea ice algae Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L. Environmental science & technology, 2014, 48(18): 7738-7746.