Establishment and characterization of a gonad cell line from half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis pseudomale
作 者: Ai Sun ? Song-Lin Chen ? Feng-Tao Gao ? Hai-Long Li ? Xiao-Feng Liu ? Na Wang ? Zhen-Xia Sha 摘 要: A new cell line was established from half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis pseudoma-le gonad (CSPMG). Primary culture was initiated from gonad tissues pieces, and the CSPMG cells were cultured at 24 C in Dulbecco’s modi?ed Eagle medi-um/F12 medium (1:1) (pH7.0), supplemented with 20 %fetal bovine serum, basic ?broblast growth factor -
Establishment and characterization of an ovarian cell line from half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis
作 者: A. Sun, T. Z. Wang, N. Wang, X. F. Liu, Z. X. Sha and S. L. Chen 摘 要: A new ovarian cell line, CSO, was established from half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis. Primary culture of CSO cells was nitiated from digestion of ovarian tissues pieces by trypsin solu-tion and cultured at 24°C in Dulbecco’s modiied Eagle’s medium/F12 medium (DMEM/F12, 1:1) (pH 7?0), supplemented with 20% foetal bovine serum -
Establishment and characterization of a new fish cell line from head kidney of half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)
作 者: Yuan Zheng ? Na Wang ? Ming-Shu Xie ?Zhen-Xia Sha ? Song-Lin Chen 摘 要: A new cell line (TSHKC) derived from half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) head kidney was developed. The cell line was subcultured for 40 passages over a period of 360 days -
Establishment and Characterization of a Testicular Cell Line from the Half-Smooth Tongue Sole, Cynoglossus semilaevis
作 者: Bo Zhang1,2*, Xianli Wang1*, Zhenxia Sha1, Changgeng Yang1, Shanshan Liu1,2, Na Wang1, Song-Lin Chen1 Song-Lin Chen1 ? 摘 要: Spermatogenesis within the adult testis is an excellent system for studying stem cell renewal and differentiation, which is under the control of testicular somatic cells. In order to under-standing spermatogenesis in the half-smooth tongue sole -
Establishment, characterization and virus susceptibility of a kidney-derived cell line from southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigma Jordan & Gilbert
作 者: N Wang1 , X-L Wang1, Z-X Sha1, Y-S Tian1 and S-L Chen1 摘 要: Since the establishment of the ?rst teleost ?sh cell line in the 1960s (Wolf 1962), more than 100 lines have been established and applied in many aspects of virology, immunology and genetics in freshwater and marine ?sh (Ferna ′ndez, Yoshimizu, Kimura, Ezura -
Development and characterization of a new marine fish cell line from turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
作 者: N. Wang ? X. L. Wang ? Z. X. Sha ? Y. S. Tian ? S. L. Chen 摘 要: A new marine ?sh cell line, TK, derived from turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) kidney, was established by the method of trypsin digestion and subcultured for more than 50 passages over a period of 300 days. -
Establishment, characterization of a new cell line from heart of half smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)
作 者: X. L. Wang ? N. Wang ? Z. X. Sha ? S. L. Chen 摘 要: A new cell line was established from the heart of a culturedmarine ?sh, half smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis), designated as CSH (Cynog-lossus semilaevis heart cell line). -
Development and characterization of a cell line from the embryos of half smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)
作 者: SHA Zhenxia1x, REN Guocheng1 2x, WANG Xianli 1 3x, WANG Na1, CHEN Songlin1¤ 摘 要: A new cell line, CSEC, has been successfully established from embryos at gastrula stage of a cultured marine ˉsh, half smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). CSEC cells grow actively and stably more than 50 passages for over 200 d in DMEM medium supplemented with 15% FBS (fetal bovine serum), -
Establishment and Characterization of a New Cell Line from the Kidney of Spotted Halibut Verasper variegate
作 者: WANG Xianli , ,CHEN Songlin ’,SHA Zhenxia ,FAN Tingjun¨,and WANG Na ) 摘 要: In vitro culture of fish cells provides an important tool for studying cellular physiology,molecular biology,func—tional genomlcs,oxicology and transgenlc applications (Hightower and Renfro,1988;Bejar et a1. 2005;Bahich and Borenfreund,1 99 l:Gagn6 and Blaise,2000;Con.ception et a1.,2001:Oh et a1.,2001:Tiago and Laiz6.2008;Ma et a1.,200l:Pombinho et a1.,2004). -
作 者: 任國誠 陳松林 沙珍霞 摘 要: 以半滑舌鰨肝臟組織為材料,探索了組織細胞分離培養條件,建立了半滑舌鰨組織細胞培養技術及半滑舌鰨肝臟細胞系。該細胞系的培養基是添加了抗生素、胎牛血清、花鱸血清、成纖維生長因子的 。 形態呈纖維狀,在培養基中生長迅速,經 多天的培養,成功傳代30多代 -
作 者: 任國誠 陳松林 沙珍霞 摘 要: :漠斑牙鲆(Paralichthys lethostigma)是中國近年新開發的重要海水養殖魚類, 本研究以漠斑牙鲆囊胚期胚胎為材料, 探索了魚類胚胎細胞分離和培養的條件, 建立了漠斑牙鲆胚胎細胞培養技術。建立的漠斑牙鲆胚胎細胞系(SFEC)至今已經培養了240 多天, 傳至80 多代。SFEC 的完全培養基采用添加抗生素、胎牛血清(FBS)、花鱸血清(SPS)、成纖維生長因子(bFGF)的DM EM 。SFEC 形態小而呈圓形、多邊形, 在培養基中生長迅速。本實驗檢測了溫度、胎牛血清濃度、成纖維生長因子對SFEC 生長的影響。在24 ~ 30 ℃之間SFEC 生長良好, 但當溫度低于18 ℃時細胞生長速度明顯減慢。在含15% FBS 的培養基中, SFEC 生長速度明顯比在含7.5 % FBS 的培養基中快, 在培養基中添加bFGF 可以使細胞生長速度顯著提高。SFEC 的二倍體核型為2n =6st42t 。GFP 報告基因通過脂質體介導的方法轉入SFEC 中并成功地獲得了表達, 轉化率為20 %。[ 中國水產科學, 2007 , 14(4):579 -583] -
Pluripotency and Chimera Competence of an Embryonic Stem Cell Line from the Sea Perch (Lateolabrax japonicus)
作 者: Song-Lin Chen,1 Zhen-Xia Sha,1 Han-Qing Ye,1 Yang Liu,1 Yong-Sheng Tian,1 Yunhan Hong,2 Qi-Sheng Tang1 摘 要: A stable GFP-expressing (GFP+LJES1) cell strain was developed from the LJES1 cells obtained from sea perch (Lateolabrax japonicus,) embryos. GFP+LJES1 cells were induced in vitro by RA to differentiate into a variety of cell types and also had the ability to form embryoid body-like structures in suspension culture. To determine the differentiation potential of LJES1 cells in vivo, GFP+ LJES1 cells were trans-planted into sea perch and zebrafish embryos at mid-blastula stage. -
Development and characterization of cell lines from heart, liver, spleen and head kidney of sea perch Lateolabrax japonicus
作 者: H.-Q. YE*?, S.-L. CHEN*?§, Z.-X. SHA* AND M.-Y. XU* 摘 要: Five cell lines (LJHK, LJS, LJL, LJH-1 and LJH-2) were established from the head kidney, spleen, liver and heart of sea perch Lateolabrax japonicus. The cell lines LJHK, LJS, LJL, LJH-1 and LJH-2 were subcultured 46, 32, 32, 36 and 34 times in minimum essential medium (MEM) supplemented with foetal bovine serum (FBS), sea perch serum and 10 ng ml 1 basic ?broblast growth factor (bFGF). -
Development and characterization of a continuous embryonic cell line from turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
作 者: Song-Lin Chena,T, Guo-Cheng Rena,b, Zhen-Xia Shaa, Yunhan Hongc 摘 要: A continuous cell line, TEC (turbot embryonic cell line), was established from embryos at the gastrula stage of a cultured marine fish, turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), and has been cultured for more than 200 days with more than 60 passages. The TEC cells were cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with antibiotics, fetal bovine serum (FBS), sea perch serum (SPS), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). -
Establishment of a pluripotent embryonic cell line from sea perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) embryos
作 者: Song-Lin Chen *, Zhen-Xia Sha, Han-Qing Ye 摘 要: Pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells provide an efficient approach for genome manipulation with many applications in marine biotechnology and development studies. To develop this technology, we have worked to derive fish ES cells for in vitro studies of embryo cell growth and differentiation and for the generation of transgenic fish. -
Derivation of a pluripotent embryonic cell line from red sea bream blastulas
作 者: S.-L. CHEN*?, H.-Q. YE*?, Z.-X. SHA* AND Y. HONG§ 摘 要: A pluripotent cell line, sea bream embryonic stem-like cells (SBES1), was developed from blastula-stage embryos of the cultured red sea bream, Chrysophrys major. The SBES1 cells were cultivated in Dulbecco’s modified eagles medium (DMEM) medium supplemented with foetal bovine serum, marine fish serum, fish embryo extract, selenium, basic fibroblast growth factor and leukemia inhibitory factor.