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(2)Yangzhen Li, Lei Wang, Yingming Yang, Xue Li, Huan Dai, Songlin Chen. Genetic analysis of disease resistance toVibrio harveyiby challenge test in Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis),Aquaculture, 2019, 503: 430-435.
(3)Yangzhen Li, Bo Zhang, Sheng Lu, Yingming Yang, Yongsheng Tian, Songlin Chen. Genetic parameters estimates for growth performance traits at harvest in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus),Aquaculture, 2018, 489: 56-61.
(4)Yangzhen Li, Lei Wang, Sheng Lu, Shan Wang, Hongxiang Zhang, Yingming Yang, Ming Li, Songlin Chen. Heritability of disease resistance toEdwardsiella tardain olive ?ounder (Paralichthys olivaceus),Aquaculture, 2020, 519: 734-750.
(5)Yangzhen Li, Yingming Yang, Weiwei Zheng, Jiayu Cheng. Genetic parameters and genotype by environment interactions for growth traits and survival of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in recirculating aquaculture system and flow-through system.Aquaculture, 2019, 510, 56-60.
(6)李仰真,楊英明,劉洋,盧昇,吳垚磊,趙玉柱,馬騰,程向明,程佳禹,陳松林.牙鲆“鲆優2號”不同養殖地點生長和存活性狀的基因型與環境互作分析。水產學報,2020,44(3): 429-435.