賈玉東(1981-),男,博士/研究員,中國海洋大學、上海海洋大學和浙江海洋大學等7所高校碩士生導師。水科院“陸海接力養殖”科技創新團隊副首席科學家。兼任中國海洋發展研究會海洋戰略規劃與經濟研究分會和中國流加協會大菱鲆分會理事、國家海水魚產業技術體系標委會委員,BMC Zoology雜志編委。
1. 海水魚類卵質和早期發育
2. 海水魚類深遠海養殖技術
1. Yudong Jia*,Yuntao Gao, Yunhong Gao, Wensheng Li, Changtao Guan. Growth performance, hematological and biochemical parameters, and hepatic antioxidant status of spotted knifejawOplegnathus punctatus inan offshore aquaculture net pen. Aquaculture, 2021, 541: 736761.
2. Yudong Jia*,Yunhong Gao, Qiqi Jing, Bin Huang, Jieming Zhai, Changtao Guan. Gastric evacuation and changes in postprandial blood biochemistry, digestive enzymes, and appetite-related genes in juvenile hybrid grouper (Epinephelus moara♀ × E.lanceolatus♂). Aquaculture, 2021, 530: 735721.
3. Yudong Jia*, Yuntao Gao, Jinming Wan, Yunhong Gao, Juan Li, Changtao Guan. Altered physiological response and gill histology in black rockfish,Sebastes schlegelii, during progressive hypoxia and reoxygenation. Fish Physiol Biochem 2021, 47: 1133-1147.
4. Yudong Jia*, Wang Zhenyong, Li Mingyue, Jing Qiqi, Huang Bin, Zhai Jieming, Changtao Guan. Altered hepatic glycolysis, lipogenesis, and blood biochemistry of tiger pu?er (Takifugu rubripes) under two di?erent culture systems. Aquaculture 2020, 528: 735532.
5. Yunhong Gao, Yuntao Gao, Bin Huang, Zhen Meng,Yudong Jia*. Reference gene validation for quantifcation of gene expression during ovarian development of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Sci Rep 2020, 10: 823.
6. Yudong Jia*. Roles of insulin-like growth factors in metamorphic development of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Gen Comp Endocrinol2018; 265: 61-63.
7. Yudong Jia, Tim Cavler, James J Nagler*. Acute hyperthermic responses of heat shock protein and estrogen receptor mRNAs in rainbow trout hepatocytes. Comp Biochem Physiol A, 2016; 201: 156-161.
8. Yudong Jia, Zhen Meng, Xinfu Liu, Jilin Lei*. Molecular components related to egg quality during the reproductive season of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Aquac Res 2015; 46: 2565-2572.
9. Yudong Jia, Zhen Meng, Xinfu Liu, Jilin Lei*.Biochemical composition and quality of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) eggs throughout the reproductive season. Fish Physiol Biochem 2014; 40(4): 1093-1104.
10. 賈玉東,雷霽霖*.硬骨魚類卵子質量研究進展.中國水產科學2012, 19(3): 545-555.