白瑩,女,中國海洋大學分析化學碩士,中國海洋大學海洋化學博士,中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所副研究員。主持課題6項,分別是:國家自然科學基金青年基金、國家重點研發計劃“藍色糧倉科技創新”重點專項子課題和子任務、中國博士后科學基金面上項目二等資助、山東省自然科學基金博士基金和青島市博士后人員應用研究項目資助。累計發表學術論文15篇,其中以第一及通訊作者發表SCI論文9篇(在JCR SCI一區、二區期刊發表論文7篇),以第一作者發表EI論文1篇,以導師第一、本人第二作者在SCI一區期刊發表論文1篇。獲水科院第五批“百名科技英才培育計劃”人選。
1. Ying Bai, Yanlei Zhou, Xiaowei Che, Zhengguo Cui, Rongguo Su*, Keming Qu*. Indirect Photodegradation of Sulfadiazine in Different Dissolved Organic Matters (DOMs): Effects of DOM Components and Main Seawater Constituents. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 268, 115689.
2. Xinyu Tang, Zhengguo Cui, Ying Bai*, Rongguo Su*. Indirect photodegradation of sulfathiazole and sulfamerazine: Influence of the CDOM components and seawater factors (salinity, pH, nitrate and bicarbonate). Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 750, 141762.
3. Xiuzhu Li, Conghe Li, Ying Bai*, Xiaoyong Shi, Rongguo Su*. Composition variations and spatiotemporal dynamics of dissolved organic matters during the occurrence of green tide (Ulva prolifera blooms) in the Southern Yellow Sea, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019,146, 619-630.
4. Ying Bai, Zhengguo Cui, Rongguo Su*, Keming Qu*. Influence of DOM components, salinity, pH, nitrate, and bicarbonate on the indirect photodegradation of acetaminophen in simulated coastal waters. Chemosphere, 2018, 205:108-117.
5. Ying Bai, Rongguo Su*, Qingzhen Yao, Chuansong Zhang, Xiaoyong Shi. Characterization of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea using Excitation-Emission Matrix Spectroscopy (EEMs) and Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC). Estuaries and Coasts, 2017, 40(5):1325-1345.
6. Ying Bai, Rongguo Su*, Lihong Yan, Peng Yao, Xiaoyong Shi, Xiulin Wang. Characterization of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the East China Sea in autumn using excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). Science China-Chemistry, 2013, 56(1):1-10.
7. Ying Bai, Rongguo Su*, Xiaoyong Shi. Assessing the dynamics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the southern Yellow Sea by excitation–emission matrix fluorescence and parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC). Continental Shelf Research, 2014, 88:103-116.
8. Ying Bai, Zhengguo Cui*, Rongguo Su, Keming Qu. Seasonal and spatial changes in CDOM compositions in the continental shelf area of East China Sea. Atmosphere-Ocean, 2019, 1-15.
9. Ying Bai, Rongguo Su*, Xiurong Han, Chuansong Zhang, Xiaoyong Shi. Investigation of seasonal variability of CDOM fluorescence in the southern Changjiang River Estuary by EEM-PARAFAC. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2015, 34(10):1-12.
10. Rongguo Su*, Ying Bai, Chuansong Zhang, Xiaoyong Shi. The assessment of the spatial and seasonal variability of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 100:523-533.