孫秀俊,博士,副研究員。多年以來,一直從事貝類經濟性狀的遺傳解析和遺傳育種等領域的研究工作,取得了多項重要研究進展。采用高分辨熔解曲線分析(HRM)構建了扇貝、牡蠣、毛蚶等海產貝類的SNP分型技術體系,查明了海產貝類群體的種質資源現(xiàn)狀及遺傳結構的時空變化特征,為貝類種質資源保護和利用提供了重要遺傳信息;完成了蝦夷扇貝外套膜的轉錄組測序和基因表達譜分析,獲得多個生物礦化和色素沉積的相關基因及其調控通路;率先建立了蝦夷扇貝貝殼黑色素提取及色譜、磁共振鑒定技術,闡明了蝦夷扇貝黑色素合成關鍵基因TYR-3的轉錄和翻譯調控機制;查明了蝦夷扇貝閉殼肌中橫紋肌和平滑肌的組織學和超微結構特征,從組學水平揭示了蝦夷扇貝閉殼肌結構相關基因轉錄和轉錄后的復雜調控機制。近年來,主持國家自然科學基金、國家藍色糧倉重點研發(fā)計劃子課題任務、山東省自然科學基金、中央級基本科研業(yè)務費等項目9項,總合同經費200余萬元。迄今,以第一作者在BMC Genomics、Marine Ecology Progress Series、Aquaculture等國內外重要學術刊物發(fā)表研究論文26篇,其中SCI收錄20篇,授權國家發(fā)明和實用新型專利4項。
1.Xiujun Sun, Li Li, Zhihong Liu, Dan Zhao, Aiguo Yang*, Liqing Zhou, Biao Wu, Jiteng Tian. Molecular characterization of the myostatin gene and its regulation on muscle growth in Yesso scallopPatinopecten yessoensis. Aquaculture, 2020, 520: 734982.
2.Sun Xiujun, Liu Zhihong, Wu Biao, Zhou Liqing, Wang Qi, Wu Wei, Yang Aiguo*. Differences between fast and slow muscles in scallops revealed through proteomics and transcriptomics. BMC Genomics, 2018, 19: 377.
3.Sun Xiujun, Zheng Yanxin, YuTao, Wu Biao,Liu Zhihong, Zhou Liqing, Tian Jiteng, Aiguo Yang*.Developmental dynamics of myogenesis in Yesso scallopPatinopecten yessoensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 2019, 228: 51-60.
4.Sun Xiujun, Liu Zhihong, Zhou Liqing, Wu Biao, Yang Aiguo*, Tian Jiteng. Developmental Dynamics of the Larval Muscle System of Bay Scallop (Argopecten irradians). Journal of Ocean University of China, 2020, 19(2): 386-392.
5.Sun Xiujun, Hedgecock Dennis*. Temporal genetic change in North American Pacific oyster populations suggests caution in seascape genetics analyses of high gene-flow species. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2017, 565: 79-93.
6.Sun Xiujun, Wu Biao, Zhou Liqing, Liu Zhihong, Dong Yinghui, Yang Aiguo*. Isolation and characterization of melanin pigment from Yesso scallopPatinopecten yessoensis. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2017, 16: 279-284.
7.Sun Xiujun, Li Li*, Wang Xiaohong. Development and characterization of 37 SNP markers in the ark shellScapharca subcrenatausing RAD sequencing and high resolution melting analysis. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2017, 9(3): 365-368.
8.Sun Xiujun, Liu Zhihong, Zhou Liqing, Wu Biao, Dong Yinghui, Yang Aiguo. Integration of next generation sequencing and EPR analysis to uncover molecular mechanism underlying shell color variation in scallops. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11: e0161876.
9.Xiujun Sun, Aiguo Yang*, Biao Wu, Liqing Zhou, Zhihong Liu.Characterization of the mantle transcriptome ofYesso Scallop (Patinopecten Yessoensis): Identification of genes potentially involved in biomineralization and pigmentation, PLoS ONE, 2015, 10: e0122967.
10.Sun Xiujun*, Shin Grace, Hedgecock Dennis. Inheritance of high-resolution melting profiles in assays targeting single nucleotide polymorphisms in protein-coding sequences of the Pacific oysterCrassostrea gigas: Implications for parentage assignment of experimental and commercial broodstocks, Aquaculture, 2015, 437: 127-139.
11.Sun Xiujun,Zhou Liqing, Liu Zhihong, Wu Biao, Yang Aiguo*. Transcriptome-wide analysis reveals candidate genes responsible for the asymmetric pigment pattern in scallopPatinopecten yessoensis. Invertebrate Survival Journal, 2016, 13: 298-308.
Sun Xiujun,Li Qi*. Effects of delayed first feeding on larval growth, survival and development of the sea cucumberApostichopus japonicus(Holothuroidea). Aquaculture Research, 2014, 45: 278-288.