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Liu Junyu, Yang Guoliang, Kong Jie, Xia Zhenglong, Sui Juan, Tang Qiongying, Luo Kun, Dai Ping, Lu Xia, Meng Xianhong,Luan Sheng(通訊作者). Using single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction to improve the efficiency of genetic evaluation on body weight inMacrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.735577
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Luan Sheng, Luo Kun, Chai Zhan, Cao Baoxiang, Meng Xianhong, Lu Xia, Liu Ning, Xu Shengyu, Kong Jie. An analysis of indirect genetic effects on adult body weight of the Pacific white shrimpLitopenaeus vannameiat low rearing density. Genetics Selection Evolution, 2015, 47:95, DOI:10.1186/s12711-015-0164-y
Luan Sheng, Yang Guoliang, Wang Junyi, Luo Kun, Zhang Yufei, Gao Qiang, Hu Honglang, Kong Jie.Genetic parameters and response to selection for harvest body weight of the giant freshwater prawnMacrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture, 2012, 362-363(1-4):88-96. (SCI)
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Kong Zhangwei, Kong Jie, Hao Dengchun, Lu Xia, Tan Jian, Meng Xianhong, Luo Kun, Cao Baoxiang, Li Xupeng,Luan Sheng(通訊作者). Reducing the Common Environmental Effect onLitopenaeus vannameiBody Weight by Rearing Communally at Early Developmental Stages and Using a Reconstructed Pedigree. J. Ocean Univ. China, 2020, 19(4): 923–930 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11802-020-4324-5
Tan Jian, Kong Jie, Luo Kun, Cao Baoxiang, Liu Ning, Meng Xianghong, Guo Zhaojia, Xu Shengyu, andLuan Sheng(通訊作者). Genetic parameter estimation of reproductive traits ofLitopenaeus vannamei. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2017, 16(1): 161-167.
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