Ruihuan Li, Jie Xu*, Xianrong Cen, Wanxuan Zhong, Jianzu Liao, Zhen Shi, Shengqi Zhou, 2021. Nitrate fluxes induced by turbulent mixing in dipole eddies in an oligotrophic ocean.Limnology & Oceanography, 1-13.
Li Zhang, Yumin Yang, Weihong He, Jie Xu,Ruihuan Li*, 2022. Fluxes of riverine nutrient to the Pearl River Estuary and its potential eutrophication effect.Acta Oceanologica Sinica.
Ruihuan Li, Jie Xu, Xiangfu Li, Zhen Shi, P. J. Harrison, 2017. Spatiotemporal Variability in Phosphorus Species in the Pearl River Estuary: Influence of the River Discharge,Scientific Reports, 13649, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-13924-w.
Ruihuan Li, Sumei Liu, Jing Zhang, Zengjie Jiang, Jianguang Fang, 2016. Sources and export of nutrients associated with integrated multi-trophic aquaculture in Sanggou Bay, China,Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 8: 285-309.
Ruihuan Li, Sumei Liu, Yanwei Liu, Guiling Zhang, Jingling Ren, Jing Zhang, 2014. Nutrient dynamics in tropical rivers, estuarine-lagoons, and coastal ecosystems along the eastern Hainan Island.Biogeosciences, 11, 481-506.
Ruihuan Li, Sumei Liu, Guiling Zhang, Jingling Ren, Jing Zhang, 2013. Biogeochemistry of nutrients in an estuary affected by human activities: The Wanquan River estuary, eastern Hainan Island, China.Continental Shelf Research, 57, 18-31.
Wenqi Xu,Ruihuan Li, Sumei Liu, Zhiming Ning, Zengjie Jiang, 2017. The phosphorus cycle in the Sanggou Bay,Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36(1): 90-100.