王依濤,中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所, 助理研究員
(1) 2011-09至 2014-06, 青島農業大學, 水產養殖, 碩士
(2) 2007-09至 2011-06, 山東理工大學, 生物工程, 學士
(1) 2020-08至 今, 中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所, 海水養殖生態與技術研究室, 助理研究員
(2) 2016-07至 2020-07, 中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所, 海水養殖生態與技術研究室, 研究實習員
(3) 2014-06至 2016-06, 獐子島集團股份有限公司, 研發中心
(1) 中華人民共和國科學技術部, 國家重點研發計劃子課題, 2018YFD0900705-3, 滸苔應對環境變化的生 理適應研究, 2018-12 至 2022-12, 114萬元, 在研, 主持
(1) Yitao Wang; Xiao fan; Guang Gao; John Beardall; Kazuo Inaba; Jason M. Hall-Spencer; Dong Xu; Xiaowen Zhang; Wentao Han; Andrew McMinn; Naihao Ye; Decreased motility of flagellated micro algae long-term acclimated to CO2-induced acidified waters, Nature Climate Change, 2020, 10(6): 5 61-567
(2) Yitao Wang; Dong Xu; Jian Ma; Xiaowen Zhang; Xiao Fan; Yan Zhang; Wei Wang; Ke Sun; Naiha o Ye; Elevated CO2accelerated the bloom of three Ulva species after one life cycle culture, Jou rnal of Phycology, 2021, 33(6): 3963-3973
(3) Yitao Wang; Dong Xu; Xiao Fan; Xiaowen Zhang; Naihao Ye; Wenqi Wang; Yuze Mao; Shanli Mou ; Shaona Cao ; Variation of photosynthetic performance, nutrient uptake, and elemental compositio n of different generations and different thallus parts of Saccharina japonica., Journal of applie d phycology, 2013, 25(2): 631-637
(4) Xiao Fan; Dong Xu; Yitao Wang; Xiaowen Zhang; Shaona Cao; Shanli Mou; Naihao Ye; The eff ect of nutrient concentrations, nutrient ratios and temperature on photosynthesis and nutrient up take by Ulva prolifera: implications for the explosion in green tides, Journal of Applied Phycolo gy, 2014, 26: 537-544
(5) Dong Xu; Xiaowen Zhang; Yitao Wang; Xiao Fan; Yu Miao; Naihao Ye; Zhimeng Zhuang; Respon ses of photosynthesis and nitrogen assimilation in the green-tide macroalga Ulva prolifera to des iccation., Marine biology, 2016, 163(9)