陳云龍,男,2017年畢業于中國科學院海洋研究所獲博士學位,現任中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所助理研究員。2019-2020年美國University of Washington訪問學者,主要研究方向包括重要漁業種群生物學、魚類群落結構和多樣性、氣候變化對漁業資源的影響。
1) Chen Y L, Shan X J, Gorfine H, et al. Ensemble projections of fish distribution in response to climate changes in the Yellow and Bohai Seas, China. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 146: 109759.
2) Chen Y L, Shan X J, Han Q P, et al. Long-term changes in the spatio-temporal distribution of snailfish Liparis tanakae in the Yellow Sea under fishing and environmental changes. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9: 1024086.
3) Chen Y L, Shan X J, Zeng D Y, et al. Estimating seasonal habitat suitability for migratory species in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: A case study of Tanaka’s snailfish (Liparis tanakae). Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(6): 22-30.
4) Chen Y L, Shan X J, Ovando D, et al. Predicting current and future global distribution of black rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii) under changing climate. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 128: 107799.
5) Chen Y L, Huang W Q, Shan X J, et al. Growth characteristics of cage-cultured large yellow croakerLarimichthys crocea. Aquaculture Reports, 2020, 16: 100242.
6) Chen Y L, Shan X, Wang N, et al. Assessment of fish vulnerability to climate change in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2020, 71(7): 729-736.
7) Chen Y L, Shan X J, Jin X S, et al. Changes in fish diversity and community structure in the central and southern Yellow Sea from 2003 to 2015.Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2018, 36(3): 805-817.