Led by Mr. Per Sandberg, Minister of Fisheries of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries of the Kingdom of Norway, a Norwegian delegation of 16 people visited the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute (YSFRI) on May 24th, 2018. Prof. JIN Xianshi, director-general of YSFRI, Prof. ZHAO Xianyong, the party secretary of YSFRI, and relevant department heads and scientific researchers received the delegation and conducted academic exchanges.
During the meeting, Director Jin welcomed the visit of Minister Sandberg and his delegation. He briefed the history of YSFRI, as well as the institution’s structure, academic direction, scientific achievements, research facilities, and international cooperation. He reviewed the 36-year close and extensive cooperation on marine fishery science and technology between YSFRI and the Norwegian research institutes, especially in the areas of marine fishery resources assessment, marine aquaculture, and personnel training. He extended the wish that YSFRI’s circle of “friends” in Norway will become bigger and bigger, the list of cooperation will become longer and longer, and more and more scientific achievements will be obtained through mutual cooperation.
Minister Sandberg expressed his gratitude for the warm hospitality of YSFRI, and expressed his appreciation for the fruitful results achieved by Sino-Norwegian cooperation. He hoped that the two sides could carry out further in-depth exchanges and cooperation in the field of aquaculture, and jointly promote the development of aquaculture and fisheries. Karin Kroon Boxaspen, deputy director of the Norwegian Institute of Oceanography (IMR), and Prof. Fang Jianguang from YSFRI, introduced the cooperation between IMR and YSFRI in marine aquaculture.
During the meeting, Prof. ZHAO Xianyong, JIANG Zengjie, LIU Hui, and Dr. FAN Jinghui and LIN Fan made speeches on “Sino-Norwegian Cooperation on Antarctic Fishery Science”, “Progress of Sino-Norway Collaboration on Climate Change and IMTA”, “New Aquaculture Policies and Legislation in China & Opportunities for Ecosystem-based Spatial Planning”, “Environmental Impact of Aquaculture”, “From Salmon Lice in Norway to Eco-Farming in China”. The participants of this bilateral meeting conducted in-depth discussions on issues concerning fishery science and technology in China and Norway, and discussed about future cooperation and research issues. After the meeting, Deputy Director Karin Kroon Boxaspen and several Norwegian delegates visited the National Aquatic Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center.
The visit of Minister Per Sandberg and his delegation has laid a solid foundation for the further development of Sino-Norwegian cooperation on fishery science and technology.

Minister Sandberg expressed his gratitude for the warm hospitality of YSFRI

The Norwegian delegation and researchers of YSFRI

Introduction of long term cooperation between YSFRI and IMR by Prof. FANG Jianguan

Karin Kroon Boxaspen, Deputy Director of IMR visited the China National Aquatic Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center