I am privileged to join with your colleagues from China and around the world to extend my best personal congratulations on your 50 year career as a national and international leader in marine fisheries research and management.
We first met in 1985 while you were part of a delegation of fisheries experts from China visiting NOAA-NMFS Fisheries Science Centers, including the NOAA-NMFS Laboratory here at Narragansett. We continue to admire the artistry depicted in the Great Wall of China tapestry presented to the Laboratory by the delegation.
During the past 34 years we have worked together to move forward assessment and management actions for recovering and sustaining fisheries and the Large Marine Ecosystems.
In 1995, I was delighted to observe you and your Republic of Korea colleagues applying the LME approach to the recovery and sustainable development of the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem. Later we gained quite a bit of new information on LMES as we co-edited a volume for Blackwell Science on the LMEs of the Pacific Rim.
Your chapter in the LME Monaco volume on the effects of long-term perturbations on biomass yields of the Yellow Sea LME was a major contribution to the emergence of the LME approach as a global movement towards sustainable development of coastal ocean goods and services.
During your career, you have become a world leader in applying science to optimize the carrying capacity of the LMEs in general and the YSLME in particular. Your papers provided the scientific basis for combining innovative assessment and management actions to rebuild capture fisheries and introduce more efficient production of multitrophic aquaculture methods. This application of ecosystem-based assessment and management practice can, and should, be replicated around the globe.
Your contribution to marine science in support of ecosystem-based assessment and management practices place you at the very pinnacle among the marine science innovators, educators, organizers, and administrators of our time.
It has been a wonderful journey down the pathways of science to have the opportunity to partner with you in advancing the LME approach for application in the Yellow Sea LME and around the world.