趙艷芳,女,1979年8月生, 2008年7月畢業于中國科學院海洋研究所,獲理學博士學位,現任黃海水產研究所副研究員,碩士研究生導師。主要從事水產品中有害元素形態分析、水產生物特異性蓄積重金屬機理、水產品產地溯源及食用安全評價研究等。近5年來,主持國家重點研發計劃子課題、國家自然科學基金青年基金項目、國家農產品質量安全風險評估重大專項課題、省重點研發計劃項目等各級課題10項,以第一作者或通訊作者公開發表論文42篇,其中SCI收錄20篇。授權國家發明專利6項,國際專利1項,參與完成發布國家標準3項,行業標準2項,參編著作3部。相關研究成果獲國家海洋局科技創新成果二等獎1項(第2完成人),中國水產科學院科技進步三等獎1項(第2完成人)等。
E-mail: zhaoyf@m.energicube.com
1、Yangang Zhao, Jifa Wu, Xuming Kang, Haiyan Ding, Xiaofeng Sheng, Zhijun Tan. Bioaccessibility and transformation of cadmium in different tissues of Zhikong scallops (Chlamys farreri) during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Food Chemistry (SCI, IF 9.231,JCR一區), 2023, 402, 134285.
2、Yanfang Zhao, Jifa Wu, Xuming Kang, Jixing Peng, Haiyan Ding, Jinsong Ning, Xiaofeng Sheng, Zhijun Tan. Seasonal variations of heavy metals in seawater and integrated poly-cultured scallop Chlamys farreri in Ailian Bay, northern China. Marine Pollution Bulletin (SCI, IF 7.001,JCR一區), 2023, 186, 114465.
3、Yanfang Zhao, Xuming Kang, Haiyan Ding, Jinsong Ning, Yuxiu Zhai, Xiaofeng Sheng. Bioaccumulation and biotransformation of inorganic arsenic in zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) after waterborne exposure. Chemosphere (SCI, IF 8.943,JCR一區), 2021, 277, 130270
4、Yanfang Zhao, Derong Shang, Jinsong Ning, Yuxiu Zhai, Xiaofeng Sheng, Haiyan Ding. Subcellular distribution and chemical forms of lead in the red algae, Porphyra yezoensis. Chemosphere (SCI, IF 8.943,JCR一區), 2019, 227: 172-178
5、Yanfang Zhao, Jifa Wu, Derong Shang, Jinsong Ning, Yuxiu Zhai, Xiaofeng Sheng, Haiyan Ding. Subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium in the edible seaweed, Porphyra yezoensis. Food Chemistry (SCI, IF 9.231,JCR一區),2015,168:48-54
6、Yong Sun, Nan Liu, Xuming Kang, Yanfang Zhao*, Rong Cao, Jinsong Ning, Haiyan Ding, Xiaofeng Sheng, Deqing Zhou. Rapid identification of geographical origin of sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicas using FR-NIR coupled with light gradient boosting machine. Food Control (SCI, IF 6.652,JCR一區), 2021, 124, 107883
7、Xuming Kang, Yanfang Zhao*, Wei Liu, Haiyan Ding, Yuxiu Zhai, Jinsong Ning, Xiaofeng Sheng. Geographical traceability of sea cucumbers in China via chemometric analysis of stable isotopes and multi-elements. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (SCI, IF 4.556,JCR一區), 2021,99, 103852
8、Xuming Kang, Yanfang Zhao*, Derong Shang, Yuxiu Zhai, Jinsong Ning, Haiyan Ding, Xiaofeng Sheng. Identification of the geographical origins of sea cucumbers in China: The application of stable isotope ratios and compositions of C, N, O and H. Food Control (SCI, IF 6.652,JCR一區), 2020, 111: 107036