王濱,男,1985年11月,于2014年6月獲中山大學水生生物學專業博士學位,現任中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所科研處副處長(流動崗)、副研究員,碩士生導師。主要從事海水魚類繁育理論與增養殖技術等方面的研究,主持國家自然科學基金(青年基金、面上項目)、國家重點研發計劃項目子課題、山東省自然科學基金、青島市源頭創新計劃應用基礎研究項目等13項課題,作為骨干成員參與了國家海水魚產業技術體系池塘養殖崗位、山東省重點研發計劃等多個課題;公開發表學術論文103篇(其中SCI論文48篇)、授權專利16項、獲批軟件著作權3項、發布地方/團體標準6項;相關研究成果榮獲2020年中國產學研合作創新與促進獎產學研合作創新成果二等獎(3/10)、中國水產科學研究院2017年度科技創新十大亮點、第二屆中國國際現代漁業暨漁業科技博覽會創新獎、第二十屆中國國際高新技術成果交易會優秀產品獎;本人榮獲2022年度山東省海洋科技創新獎(青年海洋科技獎)、中國水產科學研究院“水科英才”拔尖人才、中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所2019年度青年科技獎、2019年度國家公派出國留學資格(訪問學者)、中國水產科學研究院第五批“百名科技英才培育計劃”人選;擔任中國水產學會水產生物技術與遺傳育種專業委員會委員、中國水產科學研究院海水新養殖魚類繁育技術創新團隊副首席專家、新僑創新創業青島聯盟理事、山東省企業科技特派員、Current Chinese Science期刊編委、Frontiers in Endocrinology 和Fishes客座編輯、Aquaculture、General and Comparative Endocrinology、Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology、Frontiers in Genetics、Frontiers in Immunology、Heliyon、漁業科學進展等多種國內外期刊審稿人;中國海洋大學、青島科技大學、魯東大學、浙江海洋大學、天津農學院等學校碩士生導師。
Wang, B., Paullada-Salmeron, J.A., Verges-Castillo, A., Gomez, A., Munoz-Cueto, J.A., 2022. Signaling pathways activated by sea bass gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone peptides in COS-7 cells transfected with their cognate receptor. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 13, 982246.
Wang, B., Wang, K., Tian, Z., Cui, A., Liu, X., Jin, Z., Liu, X., Jiang, Y., Xu, Y., 2022. New evidence for SPX2 in regulating the brain-pituitary reproductive axis of half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 13, 984797.
Wang, B., Mechaly, A.S., Somoza, G.M., 2022. Overview and new insights into the diversity, evolution, role, and regulation of kisspeptins and their receptors in teleost fish. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 13, 862614.
Wang, B., Wang, K., Cui, A., Wang, W., Fang, L., Xu, Y., Jiang, Y., Liu, X., 2021. LPXRFa down-regulates brain reproductive genes in yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi). Aquaculture, 545, 737251
Wang, B., Cui, A., Tian, J., Zhang, Y., Jiang, Y., Xu, Y., Liu, X., 2020. Characterization of a novel spexin gene (spx2) in the half-smooth tongue sole and regulation of its expression by nutritional status. Aquaculture Reports 18, 100544.
Wang, B., Yang, G., Xu, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., 2019. In vitro effects of tongue sole LPXRFa and kisspeptin on relative abundance of pituitary hormone mRNA and inhibitory action of LPXRFa on kisspeptin activation in the PKC pathway. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 203, 1-9.
Wang, B., Yang, G., Liu, Q., Qin, J., Xu, Y., Li, W., Liu, X., Shi, B., 2018. Characterization of LPXRFa receptor in the half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis): Molecular cloning, expression profiles, and differential activation of signaling pathways by LPXRFa peptides. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A. Mol. Integr. Physiol. 223, 23-32.
Wang, B., Qin, C., Zhang, C., Jia, J., Sun, C., Li, W., 2014. Differential involvement of signaling pathways in the regulation of growth hormone release by somatostatin and growth hormone-releasing hormone in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 382, 851-859.