主持十二五國家863子課題“海洋動物配子和胚胎冷凍保存及種質庫信息化管理技術研究”,國家自然科學基金面上項目“基于轉錄組和microRNA 信息的牙鲆白化發生機制研究”,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“大菱鲆Grim19基因在細胞凋亡及病原感染防御中的作用研究”,中國水產科學研究院基本科研業務費項目“半滑舌鰨雌性特異基因的表達及功能分析”等。作為科研骨干參加公益性行業科研專項、國家自然科學基金重點項目、國家十一五、十二五863項目等10余項。 1)建立并分析了多種鲆鰈魚類細胞系,如大菱鲆腎細胞系、漠斑牙鲆腎細胞系、半滑舌鰨精巢細胞系、半滑舌鰨頭腎細胞系、半滑舌鰨卵巢細胞系等,揭示這些細胞系在研究魚類病原學和基因功能方面具有重要的應用價值,其中大菱鲆腎臟細胞系已作為一個極為重要的實驗平臺,被國家海洋局第一海洋研究所、上海海洋大學等多家科研單位成功應用于RNA干擾、亞細胞定位、蛋白生物活性、基因互作等多項研究中。 2)針對大菱鲆免疫抗病相關基因GRIM-19,STAT2,STAT3、HSC70、Hepcidin等,開展了免疫應答、亞細胞定位、細胞凋亡等研究,揭示了它們在抵抗鰻弧菌和淋巴囊腫病毒感染方面的重要作用,初步確認了GRIM-19和STAT3在大菱鲆細胞系中的共定位關系,鑒定了STAT2的核輸出信號,這些基因的鑒定與功能分析為鲆鰈魚類抗病分子育種策略的制定以及抗病功能基因產品的研制提供了基礎資料。 3)闡明了半滑舌鰨雌性特異候選基因CSW3,CSW4等的時空表達模式,分析了不同結構域的亞細胞定位信息,鑒定了重組表達蛋白的生物學活性,構建了TALEN敲除載體并在模式魚青鳉中進行了敲除效率的驗證。 4)開展了牙鲆白化相關的轉錄組及miRNA高通量測序分析,初步篩選獲得差異表達基因235個,差異表達miRNA46個,針對這些相關基因/miRNA進行了GO及KEGG通路富集分析,為牙鲆白化分子機制的闡示提供了豐富的分子基礎。 目前已在Dev Comp Immunol、Fish Shellfish Immunol、J Fish Dis等刊物上發表論文20多篇,其中第一作者SCI文章5篇,作為第一發明人獲授權專利2項,參編專著1部。
Dr Wang conducted one National Science Foundation for Young Scholars of China, one National Science Foundation of China, one 863 sub-project, and one Special Scientific Research Funds for Central Non-profit Institutes, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences. Also, Dr Wang participated in several projects including 973, 863, the State Key Program of National Natural Science of China, Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest. 1) Dr Wang established and identified several flatfish cell lines, such as turbot kidney cell line, Southern flounder cell line, half smooth tongue sole testis cell line, and half smooth tongue sole head kidney cell line. Their application values in the fish pathogenesis and gene function were also analyzed. Especially, turbot kidney cell line has been used for the study of RNA interference, sub-cellular location, protein activity, gene interaction and so on. 2) The turbot immune related genes GRIM-19, STAT2, STAT3, HSC70 and Hepcidin were cloned and analyzed, and their possible roles against pathogen affection were revealed. The identification and functional analysis of these genes provide comprehensive basis for molecular disease-resistant breeding in aquaculture. 3) The female specific genes CSW3 and CSW4 of Half smooth tongue sole were studied by expression pattern analysis, recombinant proteins identification and TALEN analysis. 4) The transcriptome and miRNA expression pattern between albinism and normal Japanese flounder are analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. There are 235 differentially expressed genes and 46 differentially expressed miRNAs identified. Further GO and KEGG pathway enrichment were also conducted. These studies provide abundant molecular basis for exploring the mechanism of flatfish albinism. Dr Wang has published over 20 papers in Journals such as Dev Comp Immunol, Fish Shellfish Immunol, J Fish Dis and so on, of which 5 SCI papers were published as the first author. As well, as the first executers, Dr Wang also obtained two authorized patents. |