基本情況Personal Profiles: |
男,1982年出生于江蘇徐州。2008年赴美國德州農工大學做訪問學者。2012年獲中國海洋大學海洋生物學博士學位,2015年獲東京海洋大學海洋科學博士學位。現任職中國水產科學研究院黃海水產研究所副研究員,上海海洋大學碩士研究生導師,國際千種魚類轉錄組計劃(FISH T1K)聯盟成員,中華農業科技獎優秀創新團隊和山東省泰山學者攀登計劃團隊核心成員。主持國家十二五863子課題、國家自然科學基金面上項目、青年基金等項目6項,研究經費424萬元。發表研究論文58篇,其中被Nature Genetics,Genome Research,DNA Research等SCI 收錄44篇, 并應邀擔任Evolution、GigaScience、PLoS One、Theriogenology等多個國際期刊審稿專家。參編專著1部,獲授權發明專利10項,獲中國水產科學研究院首屆大漁創新獎,山東省科技進步二等獎,青島市科技進步一等獎等獎勵6項,榮獲青島市優秀青年崗位能手等榮譽稱號。
Dr. Shao received his M.S. on marine biology in Ocean University of China in 2007 and then he worked on fish genomic analysis in Texas A&M University as a visiting scholar in 2008. In 2012, Dr. Shao received his Ph.D. on marine biology in Ocean University of China. Since 2012 to 2015, he worked Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology as a JSPS fellow for three months per year and received another Ph.D. on marine science. He is now associate professor in the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, CAFS. Dr. Shao’s research focused on fish genome sequence, genome resource development, and molecular breeding as well as fundamental issues in fish evolutionary biology. He has 58 publications including the top journals such as Nature Genetics, Genome Research et al. |
文章、專著及專利Selected Publications: |
Changwei Shao, Qiye Li, Songlin Chen et al. Epigenetic modification and inheritance in sexual reversal of fish. Genome Research, 2014, 24 (4), 604-615.
Changwei Shao, Yongchao Niu, Pasi Rastas, et al. Genome-wide SNP identification for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus): applications to QTL mapping of Vibrio anguillarum disease resistance and comparative genomic analysis. DNA Research, 2015, 22(2):161-170.
Changwei Shao, Geng Liu, Shanshan Liu, Changlin Liu, Songlin Chen. Characterization of the cyp19a1a gene from a BAC sequence in half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) and analysis of its conservation among teleosts. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2013, 32(8): 35-43.
Changwei Shao, Songlin Chen, Chantel F Scheuring, Jianyong Xu, Zhenxia Sha, Xiaoli Dong, Hongbin Zhang. Construction of two BAC libraries from half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis and identification of clones containing candidate sex-determination genes.&nb
Songlin Chen, Guojie Zhang, Changwei Shao et al. Whole-genome sequence of a flatfish provides insights into ZW sex chromosome evolution and adaptation to a benthic lifestyle. Nature Genetics, 2014, 46: 253-260.
Changwei Shao, Qiye Li, Songlin Chen et al. Epigenetic modification and inheritance in sexual reversal of fish. Genome Research, 2014, 24 (4), 604-615.
Changwei Shao, Yongchao Niu, Pasi Rastas, et al. Genome-wide SNP identification for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus): applications to QTL mapping of Vibrio anguillarum disease resistance and comparative genomic analysis. DNA Research, 2015, 22(2):161-170.
Changwei Shao, Geng Liu, Shanshan Liu, Changlin Liu, Songlin Chen. Characterization of the cyp19a1a gene from a BAC sequence in half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) and analysis of its conservation among teleosts. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2013, 32(8): 35-43.
Changwei Shao, Songlin Chen, Chantel F Scheuring, Jianyong Xu, Zhenxia Sha, Xiaoli Dong, Hongbin Zhang. Construction of two BAC libraries from half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis and identification of clones containing candidate sex-determination genes. Marine biotechnology, 2010, 12 (5): 558-568.