In the context of bottleneck problems met within baseline information, diplomatic negotiation and sustainable development on marine living resources and habitats in the exclusive economic zones and continental shelves of China Seas, comprehensive field surveys were carried out using a modernized research vessel, and covering a total investigated area 2.3 million km2. By setting up GIS and plotting, the dynamics of the marine living resources and environment in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea were reviewed fully and systematically. The main technical contributions are as follows:
(1) Basing on the acoustic technique on field cruises, the mixed marine living resources in coastal China Seas were evaluated. These acoustic surveys represent the-state-of-the-art technique over the world and they are leading in multi-taxa assessment globally. (2) By fully utilizing these new techniques, the seasonal and spatial field surveys were performed comprehensively, and a total dataset including 2.245 million and 16 newly recorded marine living species was set up. (3) 10 monographs with over 6.94 million words, 143 papers, and 12 atlases with 4849 figures were compiled systematically. To date, it is the most comprehensive scientific references and specialized plots concerning the marine living resources and habitats of China Seas, which enhanced the knowledge and understanding of the exclusive economic zones and continental shelves.
The achievements not only develops the spatial assessment techniques of the marine living resources and fishery environment quality but also radically promotes the new investigating method and techniques in marine biology and environmental surveys. Meanwhile, it provides crucial and fundamental references for the maintenance of fishery resources, exploring of new fishery development patterns and ecosystem-based fishery management. Finally, it provides sufficient evidence and makes a great contribution to the maritime rights and interests on the fishable boundary negotiations in the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the Beibu Bay between the governments of China-Korea, China-Japan, and China-Vietnam, respectively.