Based on the ecological surveys carried out on fishery stock enhancement and mariculture in the Bohai Sea, general characteristics of the physics, primary productivity, trophic structure along with their dynamic changes over the past 30 years have been interpreted. And the potential for exploration in the Bohai Sea has also been comprehensively evaluated. (1) Studies on artificial releasing of Chinese shrimpFenneropenaeus chinensisfry in the Bohai Sea, an effective and feasible method for estimating the recapture rate was established via surveys and experiments, and the optima1 time, 1ocation and shrimp size for releasing were also determined. It has been concluded that releasing shrimp fry with the total body length of 10-12 mm would have the least influence on the recapture rate, together with a significantly cost reduction for seedling releasing. (2) Studies on artificial releasing of major commercial fishes and jellyfish, the previous seedling techniques have been improved. And with the application of parental selection and enhancing nutrition, the fry production level was also improved. The survival rates of the releasing fry ofLiza haematocheila(Temminck et Schlegel, 1933) andPagrosomus major(Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) were raised from 30% to 80% and 62.5% respectively, and large-scale production of the fry was realized initially. The recapture rates were calculated by tagging, releasing individuals of different color, analyzing size difference between released and wild populations of early seedling and releasing. The results showed that the recapture rate of the taggedLiza haematocheilawas up to 0.8‰, meanwhile it was up to 6.8‰ for thePagrosomus major, and 10.2‰-33.2‰ for the jellyfish. Moreover, a mode forintegrated multi-trophic aquacultureof rare seafood and algae were established, and was used to interpret the spatial and temporal distribution, complementarity in trophic level and metabolites between the rare seafood and algae.