Based on previous research achievements, four major key technologies of industrialized-scale artificial shrimp larvae rearing have been tackled in the project, which focused on main conditions and facilities, such as water quality and food, which are helpful for gonad development of shrimp broodstocks and larvae growth. First, the cultivation technology of shrimp broodstocks has been obtained for the first time, which helps guarantee the source of broodstocks for shrimp aquaculture. Secondly, the theoretical basis and regulatory methods of artificially creating a good water quality for larvae rearing have been gained, which provides good condition for larval development successfully. Thirdly, the optimal animal or plant -derived bait suitable for different development stage of shrimp larvae have been found, and it is useful to provide food basis for larvae development. Fourthly, the suitable equipment for industrialized-scale artificial shrimp larvae rearing have been introduced, the standard operating procedure has also been put forward, and it has been applied and popularized in coastal provinces of China. The achievements of this project have fundamentally turn around the situation of shrimp culture from conventionally relying on the capture of natural shrimp larvae into producing larvae artificially, which promotes the production volume of shrimp aquaculture from 450 tons in 1978 to 200,000 tons in 1988 in China, making China the largest shrimp farming country in the world. Also, thousands of larval-rearing technicians in coastal provinces were trained during the implementation period of the project. From 1980 to 1984, 16.6 billion shrimp larvae were produced, with output profit of 24.9 million RMB, and 39,000 tons of shrimp were produced, with output profit of 195 million yuan, of which 13,000 tons were exported and foreign exchange of 65 million dollars generated.