After the successful transplant of kelpSaccharina japonicato Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces, its cultivation area rapidly expanded southward. In order to obtain abundantSaccharinasporelings with high quality, scientists in the Yellow Sea Fishery Research Institute developed an efficient and simple seedling rearing technology following the instruction of Ministry of Aquaculture.
1. During the natural light seedling rearing experiment, environmental factors suitable for the growth ofS. japonicasporelings at different development stages were determined, which provided scientific basis for hatchery construction. High quality sporeling at early developmental stages were cultivated successfully for the first time at 16-18℃.
2. Natural light hatchery was designed and constructed, then used for seedling rearing with a success. This new method forS. japonicaseedling cultivation was made available to all the coastal provinces in China, satisfying the need for seedlings by the seaweed culture industry and reduced the costs of production. The Natural Light Seedling Rearing method was an innovative way of seedling production for kelp, by using natural sun light. Since its application, it has become the only method forSaccharinasporeling culture in China.