Participants in the ‘China - ASEAN international training course on aquatic animal health management and inspection and quarantine’ visited YSFRI and participated in a seminar on December 9, 2015. The course was hosted by the Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences. The relevant departments’ leaders and researchers of YSFRI attended the seminar.
During the seminar, Prof. LI Zhaoxin gave a report on Aquatic Product Quality, Safety and Management Systems. He introduced the definition of aquatic product quality and safety, safety test and control techniques, and risk assessment and standards of aquatic product quality etc. Prof. HUANG Jie gave a report entitled "Shrimp Disease Control and Biosecurity System". He described the major shrimp disease, diagnosis and pathogen detection methods, and aquaculture biosecurity principles and technology related issues. He also explained in detail the major shrimp diseases posing significant harm to China in recent years, in terms of the pathogen, the appearance of symptoms, diagnostic techniques and control methods. The participants showed great interest in these reports. In-depth discussion and exchanges on issues of interest ensued, which enhanced the trainees’ understanding of the relevant research areas of YSFRI.
After the meeting, Associate Prof. YANG Bing demonstrated the rapid, high-sensitivity detection kit for testing shrimp disease, and guided the students on how to operate the demo kit. The participants made a guided tour of the National Aquatic Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center afterwards.