At the invitation of Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute and Laboratory for Marine Fisheries Science and Food Production Processes, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Prof. John Liu (劉占江) of Auburn University recently visited YSFRI. The Deputy Director of YSFRI, Prof. Jie Kong had a meeting with Prof. Liu, and both sides discussed the possibilities and approaches for further cooperation.
A special seminar was also held for Prof. Liu on fish genetics. Prof. Liu made a presentation on “Exploiting the unique characteristics of fish to study aquaculture genomics and address the issues in aquaculture”. He introduced the latest research achievements of channel catfish genomics including disease resistant, growth and development related QTL mapping, and functional gene screening. His presentation received wide interest and heated discussion. The seminar was hosted by Prof. Songlin Chen, the director of the Division of Aquatic Biotechnology and Genomics.
Since the establishment of Sino-American Open Laboratory for Fish Functional Genomics (SALFFG) in 2004, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute and Auburn University has cooperated in many aspects including joint application for research projects, and exchange of visiting scholars. This visit of Prof. Liu is very important for strengthening bilateral exchanges and further cooperation in aquaculture genomics and breeding fields.