On Oct.10, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute (YSFRI) research vessel “Beidou” set sail to the Yellow Sea and Yangtze estuary waters for the sixth voyage of the “Research on Inshore Fishery Resources” project. Before they leave, YSFRI Deputy Director Xin Fuyan, as well as relevant functional department heads, headed for the wharf to see “Beidou” off. Deputy Director Gao Jianfang of East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute (ECSFRI) and heads of the Infrastructure and Conditions Department, Personnel Department and Research Vessel Management Office made a special travel to Qingdao to see off five internship crew members from ECSFRI dispatched.
At this farewell meeting, Deputy Director Xin expressed his sincere solicitude for all the staff being involved in the investigation on the sea, while he extended welcome for the five crew members of ECSFRI. Particularly, he emphasized the safety, unity, cooperation, organizational discipline and other aspects that matters on the sea, and made the following three requirements: First, it requires to strictly fulfill the maritime security duties to ensure the safety of personnel, equipment and ship; Second, it also requires to employ the advantages and characteristics of the research vessel “Beidou”, to refine the work plans, strengthen the cooperation between the crew and researchers, so as to acquire more valuable first-hand research data and samples; Third, maintain such good traits of “Beidou” as hard-working, courageous, indomitable and perseverance, and selfless dedication to accomplish the targets in the scheduled survey tasks. At the same time, he expects that the five internships would adapt to the maritime life soon, make all-round understanding of the characteristics of fishery resources survey vessel, master the basic skills, hone themselves constantly and witness growth in learning and practice.
As the chief scientist in this cruise, Associate Professor Li Zhongyi in the Division of Fishery Resources and Ecosystem in YSFRI, will accomplish this research cruise together with other 14 researchers on the ship. The survey will be focused on the following aspects: to illustrate the species composition and quantitative distribution of fishery resources, to do stock assessment for main fisheries resources, and to conduct basic biology and fishery habitat environment and other researches. It is expected that this cruise will complete in 20 days.