Yongsheng Tian, PhD.,Professor
Name:Yongsheng Tian
Birth Date:February 1964
Title:PhD., Professor
Education and Experience:
1997-- Department of Biology, Shaanxi Normal University,
Bachelor of Science
1990-- Department of Basic, Xinjiang Bayi Agronomy College (Xinjiang Agricultural University), Master of Science
2004-- Institute of aquaculture, Huazhong Agricultural University, Doctor of agriculture
1990~2001-- Xinjiang Fisheries Science Research Institute, Senior Engineer
2004~Now-- Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Professor;
Aquatic biotechnology professional committee, China Society of Fisheries,Secretary General;
Master’s Supervisor: Ocean University of China, Shanghai Ocean University, Dalian Ocean University, and Qingdao Agricultural University;
Team Member of Taishan Scholar Project;
Core Members--Shandong Outstanding Innovation Team: Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy Fishery Sciences, “Aquatic Breeding and Health Culture”,Collective Merit Citation;
Main Research Aspects: Fish Resources Survey, Aquaculture technology, Fish Species Development, Fish Germplasm Preservation, and Genetic Breeding.
Current Research Interests:
1. Cryopreservation and Application of Fish Germplasm
2. Flounder ofGenetic Breeding and Sex Control
Main Achievements:
Dr Tian conducted and participated 25 projects including NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China), 863 Program, 973 Program, Agricultural Industry Special Project, Science and Technology Support Program. So far, he published over 80 papers, including top international journals. As the main contributor, he was involved in four books, 10 patents and 9 National and Provincial Science Technology Rewards. He established the system of “Pond smelt artificial reproduction and technological promotion”, generalized Pond smelt to Xinjiang Bosten Lake, Wulungu Lake, Tianchi, Sayram Lake, Gansu Liujiaxia reservoir etc., which made this fish export to many foreign countries, thus obtained fairly huge economic benefits. In addition, he developed successful methods of sperm cryopreservation forParalichthys dentatus,Verasper variegatus, Cynoglossus semilaevis,Epinephelus septemfasciatus,Epinehelus moara, Epinephelus akaara, Lateolabrax japonicas,Scophthalmus maximus,Paralichthys olivaceus,Platichthys stellatusandLota lota, which could be applied to induce flounder gynogenesis, selective breeding, crossbreeding, and sex control. Besides of this, vitrification cryopreservation for frozen embryos ofParalichthys olivaceus,Lateolabrax japonicas, andScophthalmus maximuswas set up by him.
To date, these achievements are in the international leading level. Especially as the main contributor, Dr Tian establishedJapanese flounderbreeding system for cultivatingParalichthys olivaceusnew species, “Ping You No.1”, which has been widely cultivated in China and achieved a certain economic benefits.
Selected publications and books
[1] Tian Yong-Sheng, Gui-Dong Miao, Chang-Wei Shao, Xiao-Lin Liao, Song-Lin Chen 2008 Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from a repeat-enriched genomic library of stone flounder (Kareius bicoloratus) and cross-species amplification. Conserv Genet,2009,10:1041–1043
[2] Tian Yong-Sheng, Song-Lin Chen, Xiang-Shan Ji, Jie-Ming Zhai, Li-Juan Sun, Chao Chen, Peng-Zhi Su 2008 Cryopreservation of spotted halibut (Verasper variegatus) sperm. Aquaculture, 284:268-271.
[3] Tian Yong-sheng, Xu Tian-jun, Liang You, Chen Song-lin。Estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters for weight and length in Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck et Schlegel). Acta Oceanol. Sin., 2011, Vol. 30, No. 4, P. 1-7.DOI: 10.1007/s13131-010-0079-y.
[4] Tiana YS, Qi WS, Jiang J, Wang N, Wang D, Zhai JM, Chen C, Chen SL. Sperm cryopreservation of sex-reversed seven-band grouper,Epinephelus septemfasciatus. Animal Reproduction Science 137 (2013) 230-236.
[5] Xiang-Shan Ji,Yong-Sheng Tian(共同第一作者),Jing-FengYang, eng-FeiWu,Yun-Liang Jiang&Song-Lin Chen. Artificial gynogenesis in Cynoglossus semilaevis with homologous sperm and its verification using microsatellite markers. Aquaculture Research, 2010,41(6):913-920. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2009.02373.x
[6] Chen S.L.,Tian Y.S. 2005. Cryopreservation of flounder embryos by vitrification. Theriogenology, 63(4):1207-1219.
[7] CHEN Song-lin,TIAN Yong-sheng, YANG Jing-feng, SHAO Chang-wei, ZHAI Jie-ming, Zhuang Zhi-Meng, JI Xiang-shan, LIAO Xiao-lin, LIU Shou-tang, SU Peng-zhi, XU Jian-yong, SHA Zhen-xia WU Peng-fei Wang Na. Artificial gynogenesis and sex determination in half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). Mar Biotech. 2009 ,11:243–251
[8] 田永勝,張發昌,李興玖,于曉章,李寧.池沼公魚在新疆大水面的移植推廣研究.新疆農業大學學報,1997,20(3):58-62.
[9] 田永勝,陳松林,劉本偉,王波2006大西洋牙鲆冷凍精子×褐牙鲆卵雜交胚胎的發育及胚后發育。水產學報,30(4):433-443。
[15]田永勝,陳松林,嚴安生2005牙鲆胚胎玻璃化冷凍技術研究。高技術通訊,15: 81-86.
[18]田永勝,陳松林,徐田軍等,三個牙鲆育種群體親本效應及遺傳參數估計. 海洋學報,2009,10(6):119-129.
[21] 田永勝,齊文山,姜靜,王磊,張英平,劉萬軍,陳紅林,陳松林。 “鲆優1號”牙鲆和親本群體的表型及遺傳性狀變異分析。海洋學報,2014,(已接收)
[22] 汪娣,田永勝(通訊作者), 陳松林.水溫對半滑舌鰨性腺組織發育的影響.水產學報,2012,36(2):262-272.
[23] 姜靜,田永勝(通訊作者),王波,劉振華,滕照軍,李軍,陳松林.星斑川鰈精子冷凍保存與生理特性分析.農業生物技術學報,2014,22(1):17-26。
[24] 姜靜,田永勝(通訊作者),劉江春,翟介明,陳松林。超低溫冷凍保存對七帶石斑魚胚胎酶活性的影響。農業生物技術學報,2014,已接收。
[25] 齊文山,田永勝(通訊作者),姜靜,王磊,張文婷,陳紅林,張英平,劉萬軍,孫德強,崔恒全,陳松林。牙鲆卵裂雌核發育純系的建立及鑒定。農業生物技術學報,2014已接收。
[26]陳松林,田永勝,章龍珍,李軍,季相山。魚類精子和胚胎冷凍保存理論與技術. 中國農業出版社,2009。